What To Do Before Cataract Surgery To Reduce Complication Risks

If you have a cataract surgery planned with your eye doctor, then you want your procedure to go as smoothly as possible. Cataract surgeries are generally quick and simple procedures, and the use of lasers and ultrasonic equipment reduce risks and complications. You can reduce the mild risks and complications as much as possible before the procedure by doing a few simple things. Keep reading to find out what some of these things are.

Reduce Head Bacteria

The operation room where your cataract surgery will take place is a sterile environment. This is necessary to make sure that bacteria does not enter the eye when the cataract procedure takes place. You may inadvertently bring bacteria into the operating room though, and some of these bacteria may cling to your hair. Bacteria live on every surface of your body, and most microorganisms are considered harmless. Your hands pick up a variety of dangerous bacteria throughout the day though when you touch doorknobs, phones, and other objects. When you run your hands through your hair, the bacteria then transfer to your scalp and follicles.

You not only introduce bacteria to your head when you touch it, but you also transfer microorganisms to your hair when you brush it. Hairbrushes are commonly riddled with bacteria. In fact, your hairbrush contains more bacteria than your sink drain. All of the bacteria that transfer to your head and hair can easily move towards your eyes during your cataract surgery. This means you need to wash your hair thoroughly before your procedure.

Wash Your Hair

Wash your hair with your regular shampoo before your cataract surgery and make sure to scrub your scalp thoroughly in the shower. When you are done washing your hair, dry it completely and use a new hairbrush to brush your hair. If you do not want to buy a new brush, then clear all the hair from your old one and use bleach to kill the bacteria on it. Rinse your brush afterwards and comb your hair.  

Once you are done drying, wash your hands with soap and water and use a hair tie to pull back your hair if it is long. This is wise to keep your hair from brushing against your face and transferring bacteria near your eyes.

Quit Smoking

If you are a smoker, then your bad habit may have caused the cataracts in your eyes. Smoking can also increase your risk of complications after a cataract surgery. Smoking is linked to an eye inflammation condition called uveitis where the middle part of the eye swells. The inflammation can increase pressure across the retina, and this can cause a retinal tear. Cataract surgeries increase your risk of forming a retinal detachment or tear, and smoking will elevate your chances of the complication even further. This means that you should quit smoking before your cataract surgery.

Consider the Cold Turkey Method

If you want to quit smoking before your cataract procedure, then it is in your best interest to quit smoking completely. Nicotine replacement therapy with the use of patches, gum, or electronic cigarettes can be helpful when you want to quit. Unfortunately, nicotine causes the blood vessels to constrict and this can increase the pressure in your eye. The restriction can lead to healing problems and retinal tear risks.

Quitting smoking completely takes a great deal of patience and resolve. You can help yourself through the process by making sure to drink plenty of water. The water will help your kidneys get rid of the nicotine in your body, and drinking a glass of water can distract you when you have a craving. Exercising can help you quit smoking as well. The activity reduces cravings and withdrawal symptoms.

If you have a cataract surgery scheduled at a site like http://www.checdocs.org, then you want to make sure there are no complications during or after the procedure. Washing your hair and quitting smoking beforehand can reduce infection and retinal detachment risks.
