How A Trip Through The Produce Section At Your Supermarket Will Whiten Your Teeth

If you want whiter teeth, visit your local grocery store and walk down the produce aisle. Below you'll find out which fruits and vegetables to eat to whiten your teeth. You'll also learn how to pick the best fruit and handy storage tips to keep it fresh.


This fruit contains an enzyme called malic acid. This substance is a natural astringent that softens and breaks up stains on your teeth. All apples contain malic acid, but the green Granny Smith variety contains more of this enzyme and this is why the apples taste so tart.

When choosing the freshest apples to whiten your teeth, press on the outside of the fruit to check for hardness. If you can press down into the fruit with your fingers, it's not as fresh as one that's firm to the touch. Don't eat apples that have brown spots or discolorations, because this is a sign that the apple is past its prime.


When you eat celery, you have to do a lot of chewing and this is what whitens your teeth. As you're chewing this hard, crunchy vegetable, your mouth is continually producing saliva to help chew it up and wash it down. Your saliva is making your teeth whiter by washing the stains and food debris off your teeth.

To get the most tooth whitening benefit out of celery, choose stalks that are the freshest and crunchiest. Inspect the leaves to make sure they're vibrant and not wilted. Don't buy celery that has rubbery or limp stalks.

The celery stalks should fit close together and not be spread out. Examine the stalks for dark spots, which indicate bruising or damage from insects.

Cut off the root end and the leaves of the celery. Wash the stalks in tap water and cut each piece into two or three sections. Place the celery into a container and store it in your refrigerator.

Whenever you want to whiten your teeth, grab a piece or two of celery and start chomping away. The celery will stay fresh in your refrigerator for two weeks.


The stem and fruit of this tropical plant contains an enzyme called bromelain. This protein whitens your teeth by cleaning off stains and busting up plaque.

Pineapples will vary in color from yellow to green. Select a fleshy pineapple that has healthy green leaves at the top. Feel the pineapple for firmness and pass on ones that feel soft.

Below you'll learn the steps for properly cutting a pineapple so that you don't waste any of the fruit.

  1. Twist or cut off the leaves at the top of the pineapple.
  2. Place the pineapple on a plate so that you can save the juice that runs out while you're cutting it up.
  3. Start at the top of the pineapple and cut the fruit in half. Cut the halves vertically and you'll have a total of four equal sections.
  4. Place your knife between the bottom of the edible fruit and the rind. Carefully cut along the curve of the rind until you've cut the section of fruit from the skin.
  5. After cutting the fruit off each section, cut the pineapple into chunks.

Place cut pineapple chunks, along with the juice, in a plastic bowl and store it in your refrigerator. Eat several bites each day to keep your teeth white. You can also freeze the pineapple chunks for up to six months.


When you eat these root vegetables, they work like a brush to whiten your teeth. As you chew raw carrots, the hard consistency of this food cleans stains and plaque off your teeth. Carrots also have the added benefit of vitamin A, which helps to reinforce the enamel on your teeth.

As carrots age, their pigment fades. Buy a bunch that has the brightest color, because these are the freshest. Avoid buying carrots that are split and pass them up if they have fuzzy roots, because this signifies that they're old.

After you get your carrots home, remove the green tops if you're not going to eat them immediately. The leaves will steal the moisture from the carrots and dry them out. Place the carrots in a large plastic bag and keep them in your refrigerator until you're ready to eat them.

After eating one or a mixture of the fruits and vegetables listed above, you'll notice a difference in the whiteness of your teeth. You can also contact a dentist who specializes in cosmetic dentistry, click here for more info about other options, and make an appointment for a professional teeth whitening. After you get your teeth whitened by your dentist, continue eating these fruits and vegetables to keep your teeth whiter longer.
