3 Tips For Taking Care Of Your New Hearing Aids During The Heat Of Summer

If you have just started wearing hearing aids, you may wonder if there is anything special you need to do to take care of them during the summer months. If so, use the following three tips to keep your hearing aids clean and dry during the heat of summer.

Disinfect Your Hearing Aids Before Wearing Them

When it's hot outside, the inside of your ears sweat just like your body. When covered with hearing aids, your ear canal becomes a moist, dark environment in which bacteria can thrive. While you can wash the inside of your ears to get rid of the germs, your hearing aids can reintroduce the bacteria, increasing your risk of an ear infection.

To prevent this, disinfect your hearing aids before you wear them again. Get into a habit of wiping them with disinfectant wipes as soon as you take them out so you don't forget to do so before putting them in. 

Open The Battery Doors After Taking Out Your Hearing Aids

After you take your hearing aids out before you go to bed, open the battery doors, leaving them open overnight. This dries out any excess moisture that may have become trapped inside the appliances.

Keeping the doors open to dry out the inside of your hearing aids helps keep their internal components in optimal working order. Also, it helps keep bacteria growth from moisture buildup to a minimum, since you won't be able to wipe the inside of the hearing aids with a disinfectant.

Place Your Hearing Aids In A Desiccant Jar Overnight

To fully remove any moisture on the interior and exterior of your hearing aids, place them in a jar overnight that is filled with dessicant beads. These beads suck out all remaining water and sweat, cleaning the appliances and removing any residual germs.

Another option is to use a jar that has a small electric blower inside which uses forced air to dry out your hearing aids. If you cannot decide which you would prefer, you may want to discuss this with your hearing aid specialist. They can direct you towards an option that works for you and your particular style of hearing aid.

Using the above tips should keep bacteria and moisture from damaging your hearing aids. If you have any further questions, contact your hearing aid specialist at a place like Whisper Hearing Centers to discuss any concerns, as well as ask for recommendations on products to use on your appliances.
