3 Signs That You May Need Pelvic Floor Therapy

As a woman, there might come a time when you are in need of pelvic floor therapy. The pelvic floor is made of connective tissues and muscles that help to support the various organs located in your pelvis. These organs include the large intestines, reproductive organs, and the bladder. The pelvic floor muscles are also what help you control your bladder and bowel functions. You want to make sure that you are aware of the signs that your pelvic floor is in need of therapy to regain its strength. Here are some of those signs:


Pain in the pelvic floor at certain times could be a sign that you are in need of pelvic floor therapy. For example, pelvic exams can be a little uncomfortable at times, but should never be painful. If you are starting to experience pain during an exam, you will want to alert your doctor. You will also consult with your doctor if you are feeling pain during intercourse or during the insertion of a tampon.

Problems Passing Stool

You might also notice that you are having trouble passing stool. Along with some pain, you might begin to notice that you have to strain in order to pass stool. You could also have trouble with the feeling that you just can't pass all of the stool that's ready to exit the body. You will need to work on strengthening your pelvic floor so those muscles can help with your bowel movements.

Problems With Pressure

Have you started to notice that when you cough or laugh, you urinate a little? Maybe it is a lot sometimes. Too many women make the mistake of assuming that this is just what they have to deal with now, especially those who have had children. By getting proper pelvic floor therapy and continuing to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, you should find that your problems will lessen.

You want to make sure that you are scheduling an appointment with your primary care doctor or your OGYN at least once a year. Your doctor will do an examination and ask you some questions. They will then give you information on pelvic floor therapy. Your doctor can give you many examples of times when you can work on your pelvic floor strengthening, such as while you're relaxing at home or driving in the car. The sooner you get the process started, the sooner your pelvic floor will be in prime condition again.
