
Oh Shoot, It's Shot Time Again! Make The Experience Easier On Your Little One

While vaccinations are recommended at least once a year for kids until the age of eighteen, the experience isn't something most toddlers get used to. It's understandable that going in for vaccinations is a scary proposition for youngsters – but luckily you can intervene a little to make the situation more comfortable and less overwhelming overall. Your toddler may even end up thinking of vaccine time as no big deal with the help of these tips and tricks:

5 Clues That You May Have Palate Cancer

Your palate is the roof of your mouth. The palate has two sections: the hard palate and the soft palate. The hard palate is the bony portion of the roof of your mouth that is located right behind your front teeth, while the soft palate is the squishy portion that is found further towards your throat. Either of these sections can develop cancer, so everyone needs to be aware of the possible warning signs of cancer of the palate.

7 Ways To Help Your Senior Family Member Recover From A Stroke

While anyone can suffer a stroke, it is a lot more common among the elderly. In fact, almost three quarters of stroke cases happen to individuals who are older than 65, according to the National Institute on Aging. If your senior family member recently had a stroke, he may experience memory problems, paralysis, trouble swallowing and bladder problems. It is up to you to help your elderly loved one get better.

Overcoming Disordered Eating: Three Unusual Eating Disorders

When it comes to eating disorders, anorexia nervosa and bulimia, along with compulsive overeating, are the most well-known and the most widely treated. However, there are three other types of eating disorders that people struggle with that are less understood. These also need to be treated with a combination of medical interventions and mental health solutions. If you or a loved one is struggling with disordered eating, be sure to educate yourself on these problems, as you will want to be sure that all aspects of eating disorders are treated when you seek medical help.

5 Ways Seniors Can Get Discounts On A Walk-In Tub

For seniors with limited mobility, bathing every day can be an anxious nightmare. Climbing in and out of a tub or finding a comfortable seating position could be tedious and dangerous. This is why many people with mobility issues look into getting a walk-in tub installed. Walk-in tubs provide an easy access door, non-slip floors, and multiple types of seating options in the tub. Even though these products can assist people with medical problems, they are often not covered under a Medicare plan.