How NAD+ IV Can Boost Your Energy Levels

Are you feeling tired, sluggish, and lacking the energy to tackle your day? It's common to experience dips in energy levels, especially as you age or face stressful situations. However, there's a cutting-edge solution that can help revitalize your body and improve your overall well-being – NAD+ IV therapy. This article will explore how NAD+ IV therapy can boost your energy levels and enhance your vitality. What is NAD+ IV?

Understanding The Role Of A Medical Director

When a person thinks of a hospital or any other healthcare institution, the first thing that typically comes to mind is the many doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals working to treat patients. However, there is another vital healthcare team member behind the scenes playing a critical role in ensuring quality care: the medical director. Here's a closer look at what a medical director does, their training, and why having a medical director benefits a healthcare organization and its patients.

Is It Time For Orthopedic Surgery On Your Knees?

To sit, stand, kneel, or walk, you need your knees to be in good functioning order to support your weight and enable smooth movement. However, age, overuse, and injuries can take a big toll on your knees. They may start to wear out long before you do. When knee pain flares up and limits your mobility, a conservative approach is always the first route to take. Physical therapy, anti-inflammatories, and steroid injections can often help you find relief for a long time.

3 Signs That You May Need Pelvic Floor Therapy

As a woman, there might come a time when you are in need of pelvic floor therapy. The pelvic floor is made of connective tissues and muscles that help to support the various organs located in your pelvis. These organs include the large intestines, reproductive organs, and the bladder. The pelvic floor muscles are also what help you control your bladder and bowel functions. You want to make sure that you are aware of the signs that your pelvic floor is in need of therapy to regain its strength.

The Benefits Of High-Resolution Esophageal Manometry In Managing GERD

Gastroesophageal reflux disease, also known as GERD, is a chronic digestive disorder that affects many people. It is estimated that 15% to 30% of people living in the U.S. suffer from GERD. GERD creates a backflow of the stomach's contents, including acid, which causes symptoms such as difficulty swallowing, heartburn, and regurgitation. While many treatments are available for GERD, high-resolution esophageal manometry (HREM) has emerged as a valuable tool in managing the disease.